The Center for Applied Imagination serves as a clearinghouse for both scholarly and well-informed applied creativity resources. Through our historical connection with the Creative Education Foundation (CEF) and Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI), we are pleased to make speeches delivered by luminaries in the field of creativity available to those interested in the formation of our field of study and practice. Working with the Archives & Special Collections at Buffalo State, audio material donated by the Creative Education Foundation are now being converted into digital format. As part of our unique mission, to ignite creativity around the world, the Center for Applied Imagination is pleased to make available these special and rare resources. I invite you to listen to the pioneers who helped to establish the field of creativity studies.
How to Relate CPS to your Management by Objectives Program; How to Use the Creative Thinking Process to Demonstrate what Creative Thinking is All About
Charles H. Clark and Anthony A. Angley
6-22-1971 -
How to Teach Creative Thinking in Adult Education Programs; Organizational Creative Climate
Whitt Schultz and J. W. Haefele
6-21-1971 -
The Creative Person, Teacher and Student; Creative Education through Existing Person; Creatively Experiment in Formal Subject Matter; Statistics and Creativity, New Math
Donald MacKinnon, Jere W. Clark, R. Frank, Summer, and Smith
1969 -
What Education Can Do to Develop Creative Behavior
Sidney Parnes, Frank Williams, and Calvin Taylor
6-28-1966 -
Creative Behavior in Engineering and Industrial Management
Whitworth Ferguson, Leo B. Moore, Joseph McPherson, George Beakley, Joseph Bergantz, David Offner, and Albert R. Wight
6-27-1966 -
Introduction to Creative Problem Solving, and Tribute to Alex Osborn
Sidney Parnes, Albert George Butzer, Lee Bristol, Raymond Ewell, and Robert Berner
6-26-1966 -
Requirements of Creative Teaching; The Art of Innovation in Undergraduates
Benjamin Fine, Ross L. Mooney, and Edwards
1965 -
Increasing Creativity
Calvin W. Taylor, Donald MacKinnon, Joseph McPherson, John Carr Duff, J. P. Guilford, and E. Paul Torrance
6-25-1963 -
Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems
George R. Eckstein and Harold F. Simmons
1963 -
Creativity in Speech Education; Relationship of Creativity to Industrial Design
Harold F. Harding, Louise Kingman, Molton, Reinhart, Barnet, and Victor Papenek
1963 -
Evaluation, Development, and Use of Creative Ideas
Whitworth Ferguson and William Kulp Colonel
6-27-1962 -
How to Stimulate Ourselves and Others based on Osborn’s Principle of Creativity; Problems in Programming Creative Behavior
Richard Schmidt, Clayton Morgan, and Bert J. Decker Lt. Colonel