Sex Deviation and Creativity
CEF Speaker Series 1958, November 19
Topic: Psychological Aspects of Creativity
Reel: G
- "Sex Deviation and Creativity" by Dr. Albert Ellis
TRIGGER WARNING: This tape has been preserved as a historical record and contains attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. Specifically: aggressively anti-LGBTQ attitudes; conversion therapy etc.
This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.
“Deviation” = homosexuality (homosexuality also = “neurosis”, “serious emotional disturbance”, “psychosis”, “a fetishistic fixation”, “emotionally crippled”, “irrational”)
“Creativity” = innovation and inventiveness
Conclusion: Homosexuals are less creative, and ultra-conforming to their own subculture.
Homosexuals in the arts are not actually innovative. Homosexuals are underrepresented in other fields such as science, engineering, predicts that true creatives in those fields-- if any -- will show up more among butch lesbians. Brief glitch in recording. Homosexuals pick this way of life because it is easier -- in creative life also take the easy way out. Solution -- raise them so they don’t become deviants. Homosexuality is not innate but learned. Therapists shouldn’t take a defeatist attitude toward doing this work. Need to ruthlessly attack the roots of this neurosis. He has been successful in “curing” people.
Publication Date
Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection
Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library
Recommended Citation
"Sex Deviation and Creativity." Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection. Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State.
This tape has been preserved as a historical record and may contain attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.