"Managing Creative People" by George R. Eckstein
Managing Creative People


Managing Creative People



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8th Creative Problem Solving Institute 1962, Monday Evening Session

Topic: Managing Creative People

Reel: 60


  • "Managing Creative People" by George R. Eckstein, Remington Arms Company


Part 1: Session begins with some of the audience asking questions. George R. Eckstein gives an informal talk on the type of managerial personnel needed to get a program of creativity introduced into an industrial organization. He also explains some techniques for selling and sustaining the idea. Begins with a general explanation of the value of creativity as being an enrichment of the individual’s life as well as the company’s purse. He stresses the necessity for administrative managerial backing for any attempts at the introduction of creativity into a factory or concern. He also stresses direct supervision and encouragement over every employee by a foreman. He describes techniques he has used to get the ball rolling in creative thinking and he describes a suggestion system that has been found useful in developing creative thinking into useful ideas.

Part 2: The second part of the tape side is entitled “Managing Creative People” and is almost completely a repetition of the first session. Question and answer periods follow.

Publication Date



Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection


Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library




This tape has been preserved as a historical record and may contain attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.

Managing Creative People
