"Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems" by George R. Eckstein and Harold F. Simmons
Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems


Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems



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9th Creative Problem Solving Institute 1963, Tuesday Evening Session

Topic: Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems

Reel: 74


  • "Creativity in Management" by Dr. George R. Eckstein, Remington Arms Company
  • “Applied Creativity of Technical Problems” by Dr. Harold F. Simmons


Eckstein: It is up to management to set a creative atmosphere. They must demonstrate that they want the ideas of the people. This will bring everyone into the act. Management will be aware of changes made if he has the workers tell him about changes they want to make.

The way management handles a bad suggestion is important for encouraging further suggestions. Don’t turn it down flatly but have the person consider his idea further.

Question and answer period: All areas of company should consider suggestions to make sure it is not of value. Reward supervisors as well because of additional work. Training films don’t work -- are not applicable to the situation. Management should definitely be taught creative problem solving if a program is to be successful. Reverse brain storming: are there changes that can be made in our solution.

Simmons: Major Appliance industries and spectacular industries such as space both need good ideas. His company uses creative problem solving for new features, specific design problems, and help in assembly lines. Answers don’t come from brainstorming. It provides ideation which increases after incubation. It is important to evaluate these ideas and later develop them in order to get money back. Brainstorming sessions are recorded and taped to give credit for an idea to the proper person.

Advantages to creative problem solving:

  1. Increase number of ideas, increase patents
  2. Morale boost -- You are part of a team
  3. Individual engineers recognized their peers
  4. solo men -- share experience with others after they are asked to speak


  1. TOO many ideas -- money and time involved to test out
  2. Extroverted people override others
  3. Attempted without training and poor results because answers were expected from brainstorming.

Program pays for itself over time e.g. through process improvements

Publication Date



Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection


Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library




This tape has been preserved as a historical record and may contain attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.

Creativity in Management; Applied Creativity of Technical Problems
