Creativity in Speech Education; Relationship of Creativity to Industrial Design
9th Creative Problem Solving Institute 1963
Topic: Creativity in Speech Education; Relationship of Creativity to Industrial Design
Reel: 37
- Creativity in Speach Education Panel
- Dr. Harold F. Harding, Professor of Speech, Ohio State University
- Dr. Louise Kingman, Boston University
- Dr. Molton
- Dr. Reinhart
- Dr. Barnet
- “Relationship of Creativity to Industrial Design” by Dr. Victor Papenek, Head of the Department of Product Design in the School of Design at North Carolina State College
The panel presented different ways they had used Creative Problem Solving to improve the Speech courses in their schools. One member of the panel had her students evaluate their own speech problems. Another member of the panel oriented his course to the problems in communication which his students had encountered in practice teaching.
Dr. Papanek spoke on the relationship of creativity to industrial design. He points out that industrial designers design products for monetary reasons rather than considering the actual needs of the population.
Mr. Papanek discusses the “myths of industrial design” such as
- Mass production
- Industry fulfills the people’s wants and needs
- the designer lacks control over what he designs
- quality does not count
He suggests areas where creative industrial design could make valuable contributions. Some of these area include: underdeveloped countries of the world; teaching and training aids for disabled children and adults; and testing equipment for scientific research
Publication Date
Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection
Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library
Recommended Citation
"Creativity in Speech Education; Relationship of Creativity to Industrial Design." Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection. Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State.
This tape has been preserved as a historical record and may contain attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.