"The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It" by J. E. Gates
The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It


The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It



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8th Creative Problem Solving Institute 1962, June 26

Topic: The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It

Reel: 34


  • "The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It" by Dr. J. E. Gates, Dean of Business Administration, University of Georgia


Dr. Gates realizes that people need a creative setting to work in to be creative. In this lecture he discusses the problems involved in establishing a creative climate in management and also how creative climate would enhance progress in research areas and in the solution of national and world problems. In his elaboration of the problems involved in establishing a creative climate in management Dr. Gates stresses the point that if there was more of a communication network rather than a set pattern of job descriptions and organizational theory there would be more transmission of ideas, and individuals would be more creative and productive.

In speaking about progress in research areas the lecturer suggests that if there was more freedom to be creative in the laboratory the “mad chemist” would be making a real advance for he would be finding solutions to unknown problems. Although the speaker does not discuss at length the topic of establishing creative climate in a nation or in the world he does imply that a creative approach to national and world problems is a means of projection -- a leap frog to the problems.

Publication Date



Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection


Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library




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The Importance of Creative Climate and How to Set It
