Requirements of Creative Teaching; The Art of Innovation in Undergraduates
11th Creative Problem Solving Institute 1965, June 24, Evening Session
Topic: Requirements of Creative Teaching; Creative Problem Solving; The Art of Innovation in Undergraduates
Reel: 5
- “Requirements for Creative Teaching” by Dr. Benjamin Fine
- “Creative Problem Solving” by Dr. Ross L. Mooney
- “Art of Innovation in Undergrads” Dr. Edwards
Dr. Fine discusses some of the requirements for creative teaching. He lists 1) class size of 8-10 students per teacher, 2) Grouping of students according to ability 3) a place for the creative non-conformist i.e. gifted underachiever 4) go at the pace of the child
Dr. Mooney of Cornell University gave the slide talk on creativity which he gives to all Cornell Freshman as part of the orientation program.
Dr. Edwards showed slides from his workbook for creative problem solving.
Much of the lectures were based on visual accompaniments.
Publication Date
Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection
Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library
Recommended Citation
"Requirements of Creative Teaching; The Art of Innovation in Undergraduates." Alex Osborn Creative Studies Collection. Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State.
This tape has been preserved as a historical record and may contain attitudes/practices of the time period in which it was created and material that today would be considered offensive or inappropriate. This tape does not represent the attitudes, opinions, or policies of SUNY Buffalo State College.