"High School to College: How Prepared Were You?" by Charles Onogwu, Ariana Johnson et al.



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Charles Onogwu, Ariana Johnson and Muhamed Trawally, CWP 102: Argument and Research
Faculty Mentors: Professor Susan Mary Paige, Academic Success Program and Professor Jane E. Sullivan, College Writing Program

Does high school really prepare first-year college students for all these challenges? Our research examines the perceptions of first-year college students regarding their preparation for college. High school students are told college attendance is an essential part their future success and that their experience is something they will remember all their lives. First-year college students experience a tremendous shift in their education experience and the transition from high school to college is often a jarring experience. Suddenly a student is no longer only concerned with getting a good grade on a test, living away from family and friends, and juggling a challenging course load, all while learning how to self-advocate. On top of this, advisors fail to mention how the debt connected to attending college is going to affect decades of their lives. Students are not taught enough about how student loans and financial aid work. College tuition can vary significantly and there are many schools with affordable tuition and generous financial aid assistance. However, not all students qualify for assistance because of their family household income. With prior IRB approval, our study selects a sample of convenience of residential first-year college students from a four-year public urban college. We collected data on (a) their high school demographics, (b) how well informed they were about the cost of attending college, (c) how they selected this campus, and (d) their satisfaction with their current college experience.

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High School to College: How Prepared Were You?
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