"The Pros and Cons of Common Core Testing" by Dawn Miller, Jeff Turner et al.
The Pros and Cons of Common Core Testing


The Pros and Cons of Common Core Testing



Dawn Miller, Jeff Turner and Naeemah Wilson-Simmons, EDU 201: Introduction to Education
Faculty Mentor: Professor Sandra Washington-Copeland, Director, Buffalo Urban Teacher Pipeline Residency Undergraduate Program

Our research is designed to examine the Pros and Cons of standardized testing and how it affects students, teachers, and parents. Some proponents say standardized tests are a fair and objective measure of student achievement. They ensure that teachers and schools are held accountable to constituents. A research poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that most parents say that standardized testing is a solid measure of their child’s ability. However, many people feel that the new Common Core testing standards have become increasingly unpopular, since they remain largely untested, riddled with inconsistencies, and are culturally biased. As educators who work in classrooms, we see first-hand how Common Core testing takes away from vital learning time that children need to develop academic, creative, and critical thinking skills that will be needed throughout their life span. Many opponents said they would like to eliminate the testing. Instead, they advocate for alternative methods of testing that may enhance or improve the standards that are already in place. This project is ongoing. Future research will include interviews with teachers to find out their experiences and satisfaction with standardized testing.

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The Pros and Cons of Common Core Testing
