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Klihtoo Paw, Early Childhood/Childhood
Faculty Mentor: Professor Pixita del Prado Hill, Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership
As a child, I experienced education in Thailand starting from birth until seven years of age. Then, I started my education at the age of eight in the United States. Since I want to become a teacher, I would like to investigate different strategies teachers can use to motivate children. This study gathered information to learn the similarities and differences regarding this topic between Thailand and the United States to identify what I might use as a teacher. My mentor, Dr. del Prado Hill, and I worked together to conduct this study. I recruited my subjects from Thailand via email and/or Facebook. I obtained the email/Facebook addresses of the interviewees from a teacher who worked in Thailand and immigrated to Buffalo. I recruited local teachers through contacts available through the Professional Development Schools (PDS) Consortium. The project was verbally and electronically described to the participants in November 2019, consent forms were distributed, and any questions were answered. The email message was available in English and Karen so all possible participants can understand. The participants were interviewed through a list of questions I compiled. I interviewed in person, via phone or via email depending on which method the interviewee chose. The interview was conducted in English and/or Karen depending on the preference of the participant.
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Recommended Citation
Paw, Klihtoo, "Comparing Strategies to Motivate Elementary Children in Thailand and US" (2020). Education. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.