"Enhancing Opportunities For Teacher Candidate Development Within Professional Development Schools" by Valerie Widdall 7532451, Andrea Lachance et al.



This study investigated the impact of differing models of practicum placements on teacher candidates’ (TC’s) abilities to practice teaching skills and receive feedback on their teaching. Within the Professional Development School (PDS) model TCs were placed as cohorts in a single PDS site with at least one college faculty member assigned as a liaison, and within the Traditional model TCs were placed across a variety of schools without college faculty connected to the various school sites. Teacher candidates completed a survey with Likert scale and open-ended items to measure TCs’ perceptions of how much time they spent teaching lessons and how much feedback they received on their teaching within each model. T-tests and ANOVAS were used to analyze the survey data, indicating TCs within the PDS model reported spending more time in schools and receiving greater feedback from host teachers than TCs in other models.
