Publication Ethics Statement
Machi & McEvoy (2016) believe ethical researchers should:
- not take data out of context to defend a preferred outcome;
- do their own research;
- present facts to argue a case and not use fallacious arguments;
- present all sides of a research question;
- search for truth and do not just try to support a personal opinion;
- write their own literature review;
- not use an author's words without citing them;
- not use an author’s ideas without citing them.
- did not coerce my(our) participants into participating;
- obtained informed consent from each participant;
- provided the right to withdraw from my(our) study and made it explicit;
- explained the benefits and/or “degree of harm” that may come to my(our) participants;
- guaranteed confidentiality, anonymity, and non-traceability of the collected data;
- recognized and controlled my(our) bias; and most importantly,
- did not promote an agenda.