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Chelsea VanRoo, Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Professor Jill Norvilitis, Psychology
There has been growing concern about, and much recent research on, the topic of “overparenting” and its effect on college students. However, there are several different aspects of overparenting and it is currently unclear which aspects may be more related to negative outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine whether “helicopter parenting,” which involves parental decision making, behavioral control, which includes parental control over the student's friends, classes, and activities, or psychological control, which involves psychological manipulation of the student's life, is related to grit, which is the ability to withstand adversity while maintaining passion for long-term goals (Howard, 2019). Furthermore, this study examined whether these aspects together are related to success in college overall. For this study, 162 students from various psychology courses were asked to complete an online survey consisting of demographic items and several scales. Results suggested that parental psychological control and parental control generally are negatively related to grit, but a combination of grit and higher levels of helicopter parenting predicts academic adjustment to college.
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Recommended Citation
VanRoo, Chelsea, "Helicopter Parenting, Grit, and Academic Adjustment Among College Students" (2020). Psychology and Social Sciences. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.