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Ryan Tetreault, PSY 496: Honors Thesis I
Faculty Mentor: Professor Robert Delprino, Psychology
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare work and manager-related values held by college students. Research has shown that work values are an important aspect of job satisfaction. For example, a lack of connection at work has been shown to be related to some degree of depression among employees. In terms of work and manager-related values, the literature also identifies differences in student opinion, belief, and perspective based upon their academic major. With a focus on academic major, the current study compared psychology and business students in terms of the importance of connection at work related to satisfaction and the preference of managerial style. This study included 68 psychology students and 30 business students. Results indicated that students who reported inadequate feelings of connection also reported a lower satisfaction. Business students placed more value on outward extrinsic motivators such as recognition for their work. There was no relationship between academic major and preferred manager type for this sample.
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Recommended Citation
Tetreault, Ryan, "A Comparison of Work and Manager Preferences Held by College Students" (2020). Psychology and Social Sciences. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.