Please Help Me – I’m a Bully
Talia Washington, Carmen Spencer and Michael Woods, EDU 201: Introduction to Education
Faculty Mentor: Professor Sandra D. Washington-Copeland, Buffalo Urban Teacher Pipeline Residency Undergraduate Program
Bullying has been a big problem in schools for a long time and affects all students involved—whether they are bullied, bully others, or are bystanders. Numerous studies mostly focus on helping the victim of bullying and programming to stop bullying. Our goal was to approach bullying from a different perspective, through a review of the current literature to find comprehensive strategies that offer help to the bully. More specifically, we explore the perceptions, behaviors, and communication that surrounds students who bully. As educators who work in public schools and see bullying occurring every day, we would like to help identify gaps in the current knowledge in the field. Research has found that many programs to reduce bullying in primary and secondary schools have proven ineffective, although some approaches are more effective than others. Several recent studies have shown that anti-bullying programs can reduce bullying activity and victimization, but this behavior is not being sufficiently reduced. We are also interested in finding out what types of holistic prevention strategies can be offered to a child to help them cope or deal with their problems and difficult situations. Future research will include interviews with teachers to find out what policies, practices, and programming their school has in place and what they think is missing or should be added.
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Washington, Talia; Spencer, Carmen; and Woods, Michael, "Please Help Me – I’m a Bully" (2020). Education. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.