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Mary Valle, EDU 380: IPDS Italy
Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher Shively, Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership
Teaching English-Language Learners is considered to be "tough" for many teachers, especially when teaching in areas around the world that may not have the tools American schools have. The International Professional Development School (IPDS) program at Buffalo State provides teaching opportunities to future teachers around the world. It enables an American teacher to feel what it is like to be an elementary-school student learning a new language in a new country. Many IPDS teachers prepare elaborate lessons that cannot possibly be completed in the short amount of time they are allowed to teach (typically around 15-20 minutes a day) at the IPDS school. The problems of language and time can be averted using the instructional strategies described in this presentation. With the help of Google Translate, Google Slides, a PhET science simulation, and Readers Theater, teaching students science in a language different from the IPDS teacher’s first language is possible. An hour-long science lesson was designed to be taught in 15-minute increments using Readers Theater. All the materials for the science lesson were translated into Italian, the language of the students from Torremaggiore, Italy. My presentation describes how the science lesson was prepared and how the Italian students reacted to the lesson.
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Recommended Citation
Valle, Mary, "How Can an IPDS Teacher Deliver a Science Lesson to Italian Students?" (2020). Education. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.