"A Museum as a Stage for Community Dialogue: Sharing the Stories of Und" by Tara L. Lyons

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Museum Studies, M.A.


History and Social Studies Education Department


Cynthia Conides, PhD.

First Reader

Kathy G. Shiroki


As a museum educator at several local museums in Western New York the author developed interpretive educational programs for institutions such as Explore & More Children's Museum and The Buffalo History Museum. One recent program titled Culture Day: Puerto Rico took place at Explore & More Children's Museum. The purpose of the project was to create a community based museum program about the deeply rooted cultural traditions and heritage of the Puerto Rican community that has shaped Western New York's history. Hispanics began relocating to Western New York in the late 1880s and continue to do so today. Twenty-first century museums around the world are focusing more on how underserved ethnic populations are represented and engaged in community programming, interpretive exhibitions, and artifact collections. International scholars and museum professionals are addressing both the difficulties and successes that many cultural institutions face when discussing the histories of immigrants, refugees, and other underserved ethnic populations. Museums have become a stage for community dialogue when sharing the perspectives of underserved ethnic populations of the twenty-first century.
