"Care Transitions: Assessing Delivery Gaps in Services System in Erie C" by Megan Keogh

Date of Award


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Open Access


Political Science Department


Dr. Diane Oyler

Department Home page


First Reader

Dr. Diane Oyler

Second Reader

Mr. Angelo Conorozzo

Third Reader




The Affordable Care Act of 2010 introduced many changes to the United States healthcare system, such as payment reimbursement, care coordination and the delivery of services within Medicare and Medicaid. One area of concern is the rates of 30-day, avoidable, hospital readmissions. Care Transitions programs have proven to reduce hospital readmissions, but the availability of these programs in Erie County is unknown. An inventory of all Care Transition programs currently used in Erie County was performed in order to assess the services systems, identify gaps in service, and determine how to address them. In order to complete the inventory a mailed/emailed survey was implemented with follow-up phone interviews to non-respondents.

The purpose of the research was to canvass area hospitals on what Care Transitions models are currently in use and their effectiveness in the discharge and care transition process. A mailed survey was sent to 11 area hospitals. The research found that while Care Transition models are in use at all the respondent institutions, problems still exist during the discharge and 30 day post discharge period. Most notable is the disconnect between area hospitals and community based services that could provide additional post discharge care.
