"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Infection Preventio" by Daniel R. Keppel

Date of Award


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Open Access


Political Science Department


Dr. Diane Oyler

Department Home page


First Reader

Dr. Diane Oyler

Second Reader

Dr. Laurie Buonanno


Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Prospective Payment System-Exempt Cancer Centers, including the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, will eventually be denied payments by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program for certain preventable Hospital Acquired Conditions. This study is a participant-observer case study of the Infection Prevention and Control Department of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects that the CMS’ Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program may have on the Infection Prevention and Control Department of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Data was collected through direct observation over an eight week period, including in-person interviews with department members. This study suggests the primary impact is a perception by the members of the Infection Prevention and Control Department that compliance with the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program will be hindered due to uncooperativeness by other departments at the RPCI with the implementation of policies, procedures, and programs designed to target infections identified in the regulation.
