Department Chair

Andrew D. Nicholls, Ph.D.

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

History, M.A.


History and Social Studies Education Department


York Norman, Ph.D.

Department Home page

First Reader

York Norman, Ph.D.

Second Reader

John D. Abromeit, Ph.D.


From the nineteen eighties to the early two thousands, the United States saw a raise in awareness and activity from ecological activist groups. The United States government labeled ecological activist groups as the one domestic terrorist group that was the largest threat to the safety and well-being of the American public. Given the current environmental crisis facing the world, there should be encouragement and rise of green activism not an active dismissal. How did these activists become the number one on the United States government list? The groups that are primarily responsible for this claim are Earth First!, Earth Liberation Front and Animal Front Liberation. The historical context of these groups is important in understanding how the United States formed the idea of Eco-Terrorism. Little historical research has been done on eco-terrorism, even though many laws have been created and the impact of them is far reaching. To research into these groups is difficult given their lack of formal membership and disorganization. Scholars must rely on newspapers, magazines, zines and police reports to create an understanding of the history of eco-terrorism. Creating an understanding of eco-terrorism provides a modern historical understanding how the United States has approached the green movement and more radical groups.

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