"Leaving a Mark on Hip-Hop: A Look into Music and Creative Expression" by Jameelee Sparrow Ford

Date of Award


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Open Access

Degree Name

Creative Studies, M.S.


International Center for Studies in Creativity

Department Home page



For over twenty years, Hip-Hop music has shaped the faces, feelings and attitudes of the urban community. Hip-Hop music has turned into something more than just a musical genre. It has surpassed what American society thought music could be. Hip-Hop has turned into a trend of fashion, style, communication and a way of shaping today’s younger generation. Today’s youth, have truly taken on a new aspect of creative expression. The concept of this journal is to express this generation’s feelings on Hip-Hop and how it has influenced them. A creative explosion and revolution is taking place right in front of the American culture. I believe it is important for those who are culturally different to understand that this Hip-Hop trend has affected an entire generation of people from ages 18-25.
