"Commercializing Creative Products" by Alicia K. Arnold

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Creative Studies, M.S.


International Center for Studies in Creativity

Department Home page



As someone with preferences for ideation and implementation, I enjoy thinking up ideas and working to bring them to life. Over the years, I captured many of these ideas in notebooks and scraps of paper. Although I investigated the creative product ideas, I have yet to commercialize any of them. When I look at new products on store shelves, I am sometimes haunted by ideas I dreamed up that were brought to life by others. After examining past efforts, I realized focusing on clarifying and developing skills could help improve my chances of commercializing my creative product ideas. For this project, I worked with a new product consultant who guided me through the steps involved in testing the viability of my idea for an innovative food storage container. The result of this work included a documented process for determining the viability of future creative product ideas.
