Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Creative Studies, M.S.


Center for Studies in Creativity


Dr. Molly Holinger

First Reader

Dr. Molly Holinger

Second Reader

Dr. Susan Keller-Mathers


Seeking to provide a nuanced understanding of how the facets of motherhood, creativity, and wellbeing intersect and influence each other, this investigation and subsequent analysis answers the questions, "How does motherhood affect creativity?" and "How does creativity affect motherhood?" as well as their impact on creative outlook and wellbeing. Drawing on insights from the science of creativity, self-actualization, flow, and play, an understanding is curated as to how humans develop creative capacity, utilize it to foster well-being, and develop their potential for growth and evolution. The significance of play in the context of motherhood is also explored along with its impacts on the development and assimilation of cognitive and emotional intelligence. The inquiry into Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which outlines the stages of human development culminating in self-actualization, is complemented with Dr. Ruth Richards' research on everyday creativity. These are shown to serve a role in promoting self-actualization, particularly in motherhood, by enhancing emotional resilience and reducing stress through daily creative activities. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's concept of flow further elucidates the optimal experiences that drive personal growth and cognitive integration. Additionally, the problem-solving preferences of a small sample of mothers is examined through the FourSight Thinking Profile to add context on their creative thinking and problem-solving processes. By synthesizing these interconnected ideas—Maslow’s hierarchy, everyday creativity, flow, play, and thinking preferences—this research provides a comprehensive perspective on the mechanisms that enhance well-being and personal growth and ultimately make us human.
