"Exploring Strategies for Teaching Creatively Online" by Conny van der Wouw

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Creative Studies, M.S.


Center for Studies in Creativity


Dr. Nur Cayirdag

Department Home page


First Reader

Dr. Nur Cayirdag


The way we learn and teach is changing. There is more emphasis on collaboration and personalization of the learning. Teaching online is becoming common. For my Master’s project I have developed a product that will help designing and delivering teaching programs creatively through the use of online learning opportunities. The product discusses the opportunities and challenges of a creative climate when teaching online and provides strategies to develop creativity during the online learning process. It is developed with the use of the Torrance Incubation Model of Teaching and Learning (TIM) and Ekvall’s ten dimensions of a creative climate. This paper describes the process of developing the product. Relevant literature and resources about creative climate, TIM and teaching in an online environment are identified. A first version of the product is received as comprehensive and useful. It needs further development to make the product appropriate for a broader audience. The process of developing the product has shown the importance of experimenting and of keeping your goal in mind and acting deliberately towards your goal.
