"Fine and gross motor (physical domain)" by Kathy R. Doody Ph.D.



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This module will provide an overview of the physical domain in early childhood, specifically, fine motor(small muscles such as those found in the hands and fingers) and gross motor (large muscles such as those found in arms, legs,and core) and its development. The module will also provide insight into how Sesame Street has stressed the importance of physical activity to young children, as well as how they have provided age appropriate activities,songs, and video segments to teach fine and gross motor skill development.

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fine motor skills, gross motor skills, physical activity


Early Childhood Education


This module can be used for courses like, Developmental Psychology, Introduction to Special Education, Early Childhood Development, Typical and Atypical Development, Partnering with Families, Collaboration and Teaming, Developmental Lifespan, etc. This module would probably be used for an upper level undergraduate and graduate class in psychology or as part of an early childhood education certification program, as a seminar.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Fine and gross motor (physical domain)



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