Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Program
Aniyah Williams


Aniyah Williams


Aniyah Williams



Youth Activism in the Caribbean: Then and Now

Aniyah Williams, Health and Wellness
Faculty Mentor: Professor Marcus Watson, Africana Studies

Aniyah is a senior majoring in Health and Wellness with a minor in Biology. She is expected to graduate in spring 2021 and plans to pursue a doctoral degree in the biomedical sciences. With a deep interest in Africana Studies and an Afro-Caribbean background, she has been fascinated with the youth-led Black Power Movement and its legacy on the island of Trinidad.

During her fellowship, Aniyah examined methods used for social change and its effectiveness throughout the Black Power era of the 1970s in Trinidad and Tobago. She compared these historical methods with today’s youth activists on the islands. She discovered a range of strategies and ideals that can be globally implemented in fighting social injustices and unfair biases. Aniyah presented her research on a panel at the 44th annual National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) conference in Atlanta.

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Aniyah Williams
