Computer Information Systems and Engineering Technology



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Alexander Wagner, CIS494: Research in Computer Information Systems
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Sarbani Banerjee, Computer Information Systems

The problem that exists in every company is how to collect and store user data, then keep it safe under a login authenticator. Using Django, Python and SQL, organizations can construct a simple website that allows users to enter, collect, and show data that they've collected. This research project is meant to show how this process may be applicable for small businesses. The project rationale serves the needs of small businesses with limited staff, whose customer information and other data can be lost very easily. Prior research was done to address this problem, but the difficulty was that the application was hosted on a single computer shared by multiple employees. The solution is to launch a website and back-end data storage using Django so the employees can record information with their device of choice. The way this can be done is with Django to set up an IP address that employees can connect to, a form that can be created with Python, and a database that can store the required information. Also, some tools to help download the database in different forms, such as comma separated values and a text document, are used. One can expect an application that runs on a website that is secured with a login client and a means of data collection.

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A Ruff Day for a Dog Salon: A Way to Collect Data
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