Computer Information Systems and Engineering Technology



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Aseel Shaibi, Madison Skinner, Daniel Sakona, Tek Powdyel, ENT466: Electrical Design II
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Ilya Grinberg, Engineering Technology, Professor Jon Battison, Industrial Advisor, Professor Jonathan Rosten, Engineering Technology

The COSMOS (Computer On-board Scientific Mobile Observatory System) project is a small-scale robot system of the Mars Rover used for the University Mars Rover Competition. This competition is the world's premier robotics competition for college students challenging student teams to design and build the next generation of Mars rovers that will one day work alongside astronauts exploring the Red Planet. Our team of 2020-2021 designed and built a rover platform prototype. The NI Multisim 14.2 was utilized to simulate the Speed Controller and Joystick Subsystems as an initial step. Data recorded from instruments measurements include percent duty cycle, rise time, voltage, and current requirements for each component and entire robot system. Utilizing research of scholarly literature and technical documentation, the team designed the robot to be capable of maintaining constant velocity, turning all six wheels in the forward, backward, left, and right directions with user-controlled joysticks, with capabilities to handle severe temperatures. Based on voltage/current requirements, the robot system is set to operate at 12 Volts DC with a capacity of 2 Amp-hour. Subsystems designed by each team member (joystick-controller, motor-driver, power distribution, and parts installations) are combined as one system and are tested out.

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COSMOS: Computer On-Board Scientific Mobile Observatory System
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