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Marcel Kosmider, FTT451: Senior Project in Fashion and Textile Technology
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Ali Eagen, Fashion and Textile Technology
I am taking the opportunity to use my senior project for RUNWAY, under the theme of History Retailored, to place a spotlight on the social injustice that has affected millions of people worldwide for generations. We can no longer sit around and watch our friends/family be put down, shoved aside, and be the outcasts of our society. We must be the change that we want to see in the world and retailor our future history to a more positive and accepting one. Love comes in all forms and it is unjust for the majority to determine the ways of life for LGBTQ+ minority groups worldwide. We must be thankful to many minorities, who were the first of many who fought along the front line to bring about that change we have today. My collection is inspired by Nicole Zizi Studio and their mission focused on eco-consciousness, sustainability, and innovation in gender-free premium streetwear and accessories. We are all individuals who need to be nurtured and cared for not only by ourselves, but by the world around us. I utilize “Resourceful,” a WGSN S/S22 trend in executing the “Kochajmy SiÄ™ Wszyscy” (Let's All Love Each Other) collection. I focus on the sub-themes of natural fibers and imperfect dye to enhance the collection, while stressing the importance of eco-conscious and sustainable practices in fashion. This collection is intended to send a message about the promotion of acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community by my executing a gender-neutral collection.
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Kosmider, Marcel, "Kochajmy Sie Wszyscy (Let's All Love Each Other)" (2021). Business, Fashion & Textile Technology, Hospitality and Tourism. 8.