Shrouded Mirror


Shrouded Mirror


Liam Glynn



Liam Glynn, DES350: Wood Design II
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Sunhwa Kim, Art & Design

My goal for this project was to change the basic interaction we have with a mirror. I had the idea of building a wooden screen that would interrupt the mirror's reflected image. In this interruption, you end up looking more closely and carefully at the reflection. The screen is constructed in the traditional Japanese woodworking style known as Kumiko. The case that holds the mirror was inspired by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The Covid-19 pandemic interrupted the build, and while this was difficult it made completing the project incredibly fulfilling. My slideshow presentation portrays a work that ideally I can show in person in the future. I plan to share with the viewing audience a brief description of the art motifs and inspiration for the project, as well as the build process.

Streaming Media

Publication Date


Shrouded Mirror
