"The Young Mozart and the Violin Concerto" by Melanie Bitka


Melanie Bitka



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Melanie Bitka, MUS303: Music History 2
Faculty Mentor(s): Professor Carolyn Guzski, Music

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Violin Concerto no. 3 in G major, K. 216 (1775), composed when he was just eighteen, displays a youthful aesthetic in its bright tone and exuberant solo passagework. I explore specific reasons Mozart composed this work, and discuss his early life with his musical family in order to reveal the sources of his extraordinary musical talent from the age of five. I also investigate his artistic influences and how these were expressed in his works. Mozart's concerto was influenced by Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678-1741), who developed the concerto genre during the Baroque period. Vivaldi made the multi-movement concerto popular through his virtuoso performance skills. As a violinist, I have performed Mozart's Concerto no. 3 and it always reminds me of the springtime in its overall musical Affect. It is interesting to contemplate whether Mozart experienced a similarly positive period of his brief life at the time of creating this joyous work.

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The Young Mozart and the Violin Concerto
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