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Adrianus Wutz, Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Professor Stephani M. Foraker, Psychology
This semester has been filled with a vast amount of experience for me. The experience I found to be the most useful was being offered a research assistant position with Dr. Foraker; as a freshman, I had to accept. Dr. Foraker is currently studying whether there is a correlation between traits along the autism spectrum and hand gestures; for example, if people with ASD traits find it more difficult to pick up on certain hand gestural cues. I assisted in setting up an online autism spectrum survey used to find out how participants score on traits from the spectrum. This experience has allowed me to become familiar with how to create an online survey of research subjects using Qualtrics. I also completed CITI ethics training for working with human subjects in research. An obvious problem occurred, however, when Covid-19 forced us to adapt rapidly in order to proceed with our research plan. As a result, I learned many useful applications that could possibly be used in the future. Applications like Blackboard Collaborate allowed us to continue our weekly meetings and communicate effectively on progress, and Google Drive allowed us to share research documents with ease. I’m thankful to be learning a variety of techniques and effective strategies for maintaining progress.
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Wutz, Adrianus, "First Steps in Research: Cognitive Psychology (EURO)" (2020). Psychology and Social Sciences. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.