Physical Geography and Sciences



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Viviana Angeles Ruiz, ANT 418: Seminar in Physical Anthropology
Faculty Mentor: Professor Julie Wieczkowski, Anthropology

Previous studies have been conducted on longevity and survival rates. In the United States, it was found that black foreign-born males were expected to have the longest life expectancy at 18.73 years after the age 65 (Dupre, Gu, & Vaupel, 2012). Based on these results in males above the age of 65, I asked the question if there would be a similar discrepancy between foreign-born and native-born individuals aged 20-65. My research took a look at age at death in foreign-born and native-born male individuals aged 20-65 who are buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo, New York. I hypothesized that male individuals buried at the cemetery who are foreign-born would have a higher mean age at death than native-born individuals. Data was collected at the Margaret L. Wendt Archive and Resource Center. A total of 100 records that met my criteria were collected from the years 1895-1900 from Death Register E with dates from 1894-1902. The individual’s name, place of birth, date of death and age at death were recorded. As a result, the mean age at death for foreign-born male individuals was 53.9 (range=25-67; SD=10.2). The mean age at death for native-born males was 37.4 (range=20-65; SD=12.4). Furthermore, place of birth had a large effect on age at death of the individuals. In conclusion, foreign-born male individuals between the ages of 20 to 65 had a higher mean age at death than native-born male individuals from 1895-1900.

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Differences in Age at Death Between Foreign-Born and Native-Born Male Individuals Aged 20-65
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