Health and Social Work


Shayla Rhodes



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Shayla Rhodes, SWK 499: Independent Study
Faculty Mentors: Professor Beth Tripi, Social Work and Professor Kimberly Zittel-Barr, Social Work

The research that was conducted for this study in Point Fortin, Trinidad was regarding the barriers for access to care for mental health within their population. The research consisted of a 30 minute interview with a clinician at a mental health facility. Many of the interviewer’s questions were very general and open-ended which yielded many results to explain reasons why mental health is not taken as seriously as in the U.S. For example, adults who live in Trinidad are not supportive to family members who have a mental health diagnosis because they view it from spiritual perspective, such as that the individual is possessed by a demon rather than having a mental illness. Doctors and social workers work together to provide services to this population because they understand the clients situation and do not view their illnesses how other people in their country do. Further interviews and research in this area would be expected to yield similar results.

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Barriers to Access to Care for Mental health in Trinidad
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