"Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Higher Education" by Justin Boucher, Iyanna Williams et al.



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Justin Boucher, Iyanna Williams and Roger Geaniton, CWP 102: Argumentation and Research
Faculty Mentors: Professor Susan Mary Paige, Academic Success Program and Professor Jane E. Sullivan, College Writing Program

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has given students with special needs the opportunity to succeed and graduate from high school. All students attending college must self-advocate because they are under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students who have learning disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders are intellectually able to learn and succeed at the college level. In addition to the self-advocacy issues students with disabilities may have difficulty handling the stimulation levels and the social skills needed in college classroom environments. College is an academic environment first, but it is important to note that it is also a social environment and these students may find difficulty in (a) self-advocacy, (b) the ability to participate in group projects, and (c) the willingness and preparation of college faculty to make proper accommodations. The steps to integrate students with disabilities into the college classroom are (a) faculty acceptance and (b) peer involvement. Without these two components, the hurdles for the student with disabilities will be greater. How ready are faculty and students for the integration of students with disabilities in their college classroom environment? With prior IRB approval, we will collect data from the faculty, staff, and students at a four-year urban public college considering integration of students with disabilities to (a) determine faculty attitudes and perceptions regarding accommodating students with disabilities and (b) determine the students attitudes and perceptions regarding their willingness and preparedness to interact with students with students with disabilities in their college classroom.

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Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Higher Education
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