"“They not Black Black, they Kanye”: Exploring Buffalo’s Black Adolesce" by Melique Young
“They not Black Black, they Kanye”: Exploring Buffalo’s Black Adolescents’ Identity through their Schooling Experiences


“They not Black Black, they Kanye”: Exploring Buffalo’s Black Adolescents’ Identity through their Schooling Experiences


Melique Young



Melique Young, Psychology
Faculty Mentor: Professor Jevon Hunter, School of Education

Melique expects to graduate with a B.A. in Psychology in May 2021 and intends to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology. Professionally, he plans to serve his community by using his expertise and talents to work with people who have been diagnosed with mental illness.

During his fellowship, Melique performed a qualitative research study exploring the racialized educational identity development among Buffalo’s African-American adolescents. His work leveraged the concept of Nigrescence from Black Psychology to unearth the counter-stories of local Black youth in an effort to learn whether there was a relationship between their schooling experiences and identity development. His findings suggested that Buffalo’s African-American adolescents viewed a consequential disconnect between schooling practices and their identity. As a result of his research, Melique offered some recommendations that could strengthen the connection between Black youth and school practices. He presented his research at the 2019 Professional Development Schools (PDS) Consortium hosted by SUNY Buffalo State, and also presented on a panel at the 44th annual National Council for Black Studies (NCBS) conference in Atlanta in 2020.

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“They not Black Black, they Kanye”: Exploring Buffalo’s Black Adolescents’ Identity through their Schooling Experiences
