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Shavil Rousseau, Sabrina Leveille, Felicia St.John and Sarah Bryant, CWP 102: Argumentation and Research
Faculty Mentors: Professor Susan Mary Paige, Academic Success Program and Professor Jane E. Sullivan, College Writing Program
Black women are highly diminished throughout American society. We are passionate women with the personal experience of being a black woman in American society. Our literature review has exposed the struggles Black women endure in the American educational environment. For example studies have provided evidence that (a) having a teacher who is not your race can affect your grades, (b) it is more difficult for a black woman to get accepted to an Ivy League university, (c) the struggles of black female athletes, and (d) the differences in salary and rank of Black female Professors at Historically Black Colleges (HBC) vs Predominantly White Institutions. Our research project would, with prior IRB approval, include interviews with black women working at a four-year urban public college in New York State to learn their views and personal experiences of being a black woman employed in the college setting. We will be replicating a study by Shayanne Gal that focused on the difference in salaries between men and women in higher education. We will use their research model and focus on the comparison between White and Black women in higher education.
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Rousseau, Shavil; Leveille, Sabrina; St.John, Felicia; and Bryant, Sarah, "Do Educational Practices Suppress the Advancement Black Women in Society?" (2020). Education. 22nd Annual Student Research and Creativity Conference. SUNY Buffalo State.