Computer Information Systems and Engineering Technology



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Yousef Abdulrahman, CIS 494: Undergraduate Research in CIS
Faculty Mentor: Professor Sarbani Banerjee, Computer Information System

The Internet has become a major part of everyone's present-day lives, potentially engulfing one into its endless abyss of information and entertainment. Some people have become obsessed with the Internet, sacrificing their health as well as time with friends and family, and even becoming addicted. The purpose of this research project was to develop a Google Chrome Extension that monitors time spent browsing on websites like Google, YouTube, etc. It uses JavaScript, HTML and CSS. A user interface was initially created using CSS for a user-friendly view of the Extension. JavaScript is the main programming language used to implement the functionality of the Chrome Extension. It displays warnings every 30 minutes to remind the user to take a break, change posture, or hydrate. It will also send daily, weekly, and monthly statistics of the improvement on time spent on the Internet versus time spent on useful, constructive activities—for example, hours spent watching Netflix compared to hours on educational websites. The web-browser extension displays as an icon at the top of the user’s browser and may be hidden while the user is on the Internet. A pop-up window on the computer appears on the screen to tell the user to take a break, with an inspirational quote to get the user moving. This Extension is projected for publication on the Chrome Web Store site for the benefit of anyone using the Google Chrome web browser.

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Computer Sciences | Engineering

Using an Internet Extension to Save You from the Internet
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