Computer Information Systems and Engineering Technology



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Dalton Meyer, Tom Sayles, Clivens Fresnel and Steven Nguyen, ENT 466: Electrical Design 2
Faculty Mentor: Professor Leonard Fiume, Engineering Technology

SUNY Buffalo State College Mechanical Engineering students compete yearly in a BAJA SAE design-build and race competition. The student engineers’ goal is to create a single-seat buggy that can drive on all terrains and survive harsh conditions. The vehicle is meant to be reliable, maintainable, ergonomic, and economic for the recreational user market. Our goal is to aid students in their design and testing with a Data Acquisition System (DAQS). To achieve this goal, we programmed an Arduino unit to process data from an array of sensors across the vehicle. Potential locations are welded joints and bolted down devices, as well as various suspension components, in order to create the most balanced ride possible. Another location will be the engine or the oil reservoir. This allows us to determine if the engine's temperature is being properly maintained. Sensors feed data into an Arduino unit, where each sensor is given a specific designation to identify. This is to reduce each individual location of NVH. The Arduino will then record all the data onto a removable SD card which can be transferred to a computer for future viewing and interpreting the vehicle status. This system will allow the mechanical engineers to asset the vehicle needs during the competition.

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Computer Sciences | Engineering

Baja NVH Reduction DAQ
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