Business, Fashion & Textile Technology, Hospitality and Tourism


Evan Cody



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Evan Cody, HON 400: All College Honors Colloquium
Faculty Mentors: Professor Yew Wah Chow, Business and Professor Michael Johnson, Honors

My scholarly project creates a document that contains the basic cultural, economic, political, geographical, and regulatory information needed to start a business in Brazil. Getting involved in international business can be extremely complicated. Most countries have obscure regulations or cultural differences that can hamper a business’s international prospects. For instance, in Brazil a bill of lading will only be accepted in a certain ink color. In my research, I use sources and websites provided to me from a previous international business class. Some of the most significant observations I've made regard to how serious the Brazilian people take their cultural beliefs and practices. For example, Brazilians will break off potential business partnerships if they feel their cultural isn't being accepted or appreciated, whereas Americans are more or less willing to ignore those types of issues.

Publication Date




Foreign Business: Entering Brazil
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