"The Western New York Nonprofit Organizations Programs/Services Help Su" by Seraphine Udahemuka-Sargent Mrs

Date of Award


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Open Access


Political Science Department


Dr. Janet A. Penksa,

Department Home page

Public Administration

First Reader

Dr. Janet A. Penksa,

Second Reader

Dr. Angelo Conorozzo.


The number of immigrants and refugees settling in Buffalo has been increasing for the last decades, and the studies have shown that by settling in the abandoned inner cities, immigrants are revitalizing these areas (Cornelius, 2011) and along with reductions in crime and decreases in concentrated poverty (Spector, 2013). While research has focused on gateway cities in California, there are not many studies or documents that address immigration and the revitalization of the City of Buffalo. This research project is intended to explore the programs/services helping to support immigrants/refugees to build small businesses and become home owners, through the Westminster Economic Development Initiative (WEDI), and the West Side & Black Rock-Riverside Neighborhood Housing Services. The purpose of this study is to review and evaluate these programs/services in the immigrant/refugee community. It was a qualitative approach study and semi-structure interviews are used to collect the data. The study showed that 89% of the clients interviewed own small businesses, 56% own houses. Over all clients and providers were satisfied with the outcomes.


Seraphine U. Sargent, Political Science Department: Master in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management of New York at Buffalo State.

Communication concerning this master’s project research should be addressed to Seraphine Udahemuka, Sargent, Master in Public Administration- Political Science Department at Suny Buffalo State. Email: udahems01@mail.buffalostate.edu
