2016 Health and Wellness Career Fair and Panel Discussion | Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics | State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College
On November 14th, 2016, the Health and Wellness Department hosted a career fair and panel discussion. Three key leaders in the WNY field of Health and Wellness spoke on the current state of the county and future employment areas. Six panelists that work in the Health and Wellness field were available to discuss their job positions along success tips required to acquire their current positions.


Submissions from 2016


Health and Wellness Department hosted a career fair and panel discussion - part 1, Carol A. DeNysschen


Health and Wellness Department hosted a career fair and panel discussion - part 2, Carol A. DeNysschen


Health and Wellness Department hosted a career fair and panel discussion - part 3, Carol A. DeNysschen


Health and Wellness Department hosted a career fair and panel discussion - part 4, Carol A. DeNysschen