Fifth Freedom
The Fifth Freedom was a periodic free newspaper of the Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier, Western New York's most prominent early gay rights organization. In being the official written mouthpiece of the region's first systematic gay rights organization, The Fifth Freedom expresses the earliest codified and widely distributed literature of the gay community within the region. With the publication of this digital collection, scholars now have universal access to this seminal civil rights-centric material. Covering the time period between 1970 and 1983, the literature of The Fifth Freedom necessarily comments on not only the self-expression of a largely "invisible" self-identified group in the years that followed the Stonewall riots and preceded the onset of the more well-known AIDS epidemic, but also upon the larger Western New York and American culture overall. The newspaper content as well as editorial direction both chronicle and critique a unique time in both American and world-wide history, as seen and expressed by an active, though underdocumented, population.
Fifth Freedom, 1983-12-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Mattachine Hearings: pg1
WGR Saves Face: pg1
Buffalo's Biggest Problem: pg1
AIDS News Brief: pg3
News From Buffalo: pg3
Nights of Our Lives: pg5
SELections: pg6
Book Review: pg6
Directory: pg7
Fifth Freedom, 1983-07-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
GLCC Moves, Begins Major Fund Drive: pg1
Editorial: pg2
AIDS News Brief: pg5
The Aural Column: pg6
Virginia Appuzzo Speaks: pg7
Calendar: pg8
Night Of Our Lives: pg11
5th Freedom Fiction: pg12
Out And About: pg13
Comix: pg14
Fifth Freedom, 1983-06-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Anti-gay Radio Show: pg1
Gay Pride Fest Information: pg1
Editorial: pg2
A.I.D.S. Study in Buffalo: pg3
Nights of Our Lives: pg5
Crossroads Grand Opening: pg5
Community Calendar: pg6
Community News: pg7
Aural Column: pg8
SELections: pg9
Comics: pg10
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1983-05-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Gay Pride Fest News: Pg1
Editorial: pg2
AIDS Information: pg3
SELections: pg4
Book Reviews From EMMA: pg5
Gay Legal Advisor: pg5
Out and About: pg6
Calendar: pg8
"Night of Our Lives": pg11
Gay Youth: Past and Present: pg11
Book Reviews: pg13
Aural Column: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1983-04-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Spring Arrives... And With It Women's Softball: pg1
Editorial: pg2
EMMA Book Review: pg4
Gay Legal Advisor: pg5
Gay Youth: Past and Present: pg6
Gardening News: pg6
SELections: pg7
Calendar: pg9
Aural Column: pg10
Glimpses of Lesbian History: pg11
Out and About: pg12
Shoe Leather Express: pg12
Puzzle: pg13
Comix: pg14
Fifth Freedom, 1983-03-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
State Law Struck Down: pg1
Mattachine News: pg2
Counselor Training: pg3
Community Events: pg3
Out And About: pg4
Selections: pg5
Community Calendar: pg6
Special Report: pg7
EMMA Book Review: pg11
GLCC News: pg11
Concert Page: pg13
Comix: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1983-02-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
The GLCC And Community Support: pg1
Editorial Page: pg2
Counselor Training Update: pg3
Shoe Leather Express: pg4
Out And About: pg5
Community Calendar: pg6
Selections: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Classified Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1983-01-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
National Local News: pg1
Editorial Page: pg2
Mattachine News: pg3
GLLC News: pg6
A Tribute To Patrick Cowley: pg4
The Aural Column: pg5
Out & About: pg7
Selections By Sam: pg7
Shoe Leather Express: pg8
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1982-12-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
The Last Word?: pg1
News From The Community: pg2
News From Our Advertisers: pg3
Fifth Freedom, 1982-11-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Hepatitis: The Not So Gay Disease: pg1
Bidwell Blues Hit The City: pg1
Joint Meeting-GLCC/MSNF: pg2
Homosexuality Acceptable To Church Fathers?: pg4
"I Don't Need The Shots": pg5
SELections by Sam: pg6
The Aural Column: pg7
Community Billboard: pg8
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg10
Gay Votes Appealing To Presidential Candidates: pg10
Shoe Leather Express: pg11
Puzzle Page: pg12
Meadowgrass: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Personal Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1982-10-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Nature Areas In W.N.Y.: pg1
Comptons Anniversary: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
Puzzle Page: pg3
Aural Column: pg4
SELectins By Sam: pg5
Community Billboard: pg6
Out And About: pg9
Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1982-09-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
M.C.C; Dignity; Affirmation of Buffalo: pg1
SELections By Sam: pg1
A Letter From The Publisher: pg2
Flea Market: pg2
Out And About: pg5
An Interview with Dennis Kulczyk: pg6
An Update of The Counselor Training Program of M.S.N.F: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg10
Puzzle Page: pg10
Gay Directory: pg12
Want Ads: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1982-08-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Rochester's Gay Scene: pg1
Marilyn And Me: pg1
Editorial: pg2
The Aural Column: pg2
SELections By Sam: pg4
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg5
Relatives and Friends of Gays Meeting: pg5
Out And About: pg6
Gay Directory: pg7
Want Ads: pg7
Fifth Freedom, 1982-07-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Books For Summer Reading: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
SELections by Sam: pg4
The Aural Column: pg4
Out And ABout: pg5
Rainbows, Frisbees and Songs: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg6
Gay Directory: pg7
Want Ads: pg7
Fifth Freedom, 1982-04-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Screen Sisters Success Story: pg1
The Aural Column: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
Counselor Training Adds Monday Sessions: pg3
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg3
Gay Pride Events Taking Shape: pg4
Morgan Bath Gets New Owner: pg4
Out And About: pg4
SELections by Sam: pg5
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg5
Community Center Calendar: pg6
Want Ads: pg8
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1982-05-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Gay Pride Fest 1982 Arrives: pg1
Out And About: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
Captain Kink: pg3
Doing America With Bob Damron: pg4
PARTNERS: A "Gay?" Love Story?: pg4
SELections by Sam: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg7
Gay Arrest Continue In Buffalo: pg7
The Aural Column: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1982-03-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Buffalo's Barry Sandler: pg1
Violence: Anti-Gay or Not?: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
Out And About: pg4
Media Watch: pg5
The Aural Column: pg6
Community Center Calendar: pg6
Captain Kink: pg7
The Essentials of Public Cross Dressing: pg8
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg10
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg11
Mattachine Elections: pg12
Doing America With Bob Damron: pg12
SELections By Sam: pg13
Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1982-02-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
"Making Love" In Buffalo: pg1
Media Watch: pg1
Editorial: pg2
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg3
As The World Queers: A Sad, Sad Tale: pg4
The Aural Column: pg5
MCC: "Why We Are A Fellowship": pg7
Gay Press Association To Meet: pg7
Rosie's Reviews: pg9
Cheryl of M.C. Compton's: pg9
Community Center Calendar: pg11
Bob Damron: pg12
Captain Kink: pg13
SELections by Sam: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1982-01-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Year End Review: 1981's Best And Worst: pg1
EMMA Bookstore: A New Home In Allentown: pg1
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Out and About: pg3
SELections by Sam: pg4
Doing America with Bob Damron: pg5
The Unlit Lamp: Radclyffe Hall 1924: pg5
Captain Kink: pg6
Community Center Calendar: pg8
The Aural Column: pg9
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-12-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Loitering Statute To Be Challenged Again: pg1
Community Center Calendar: pg1
The Aural Column: pg3
The Upper Rear Reveiw: pg4
Christmas Gift List of Our Advertisers: pg4
Media Watch: pg5
PICI: A Triumphant Return For Buffalo's Own: pg6
SELections by Sam: pg6
Buffalo Buns Contestants: pg7
Chris Williamson Record Revue: pg7
The Invisible Wall: Pg7
Pornography and Silence: Culture's Revenge Against Nature: pg8
Captain Kink: pg10
Editor's Edition: pg11
Out and About: pg12
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg13
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1981-11-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Pat Carroll Is Gertrude Stein: pg1
Joseph Wins William Award: pg1
Community Center Calendar: pg4
Newest Buffalo Bars: pg5
Editor's Edition: pg5
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg7
How To RID Yourself Of Crabs: pg8
Out And About: pg10
Selections by Sam: pg12
The Aural Column: pg13
Media Watch: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1981-10-10
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
The Boy Who Picked The Bullets Up: pg1
The Media Watch: pg3
KTM News Briefs: pg4
Editor's Edition: pg5
SELections by Sam: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg7
Lawsuit Update: pg7
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg8
M.C. Compton's: Buffalo's Newest Bar: pg8
Out And About: pg9
Captain Kink: pg10
The Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-09-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
The Allen Restaurant: pg1
Mattachine's Federal Lawsuit: pg1
Captain Kink: pg3
Out and About: pg4
KTM News Briefs: pg5
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg6
Editor's Edition: pg7
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg8
The Aural Column: pg9
The Media Watch: pg11
SELections by Sam: pg13
The Gay Directory: pg15
Want Ads: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1981-08-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
A Gay Future For The Queen City?: pg1
Western New York's Tricky Natural Areas: pg1
Village People's Renaissance: pg3
Captain Kink: pg4
Editor's Edition: pg4
SELections by Sam: pg4
The Media Watch: pg4
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg5
The Long Shot and Cities Of The Red Night: pg6
The Celluloid Closet: pg6
Late In The Season: pg7
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg7
Local Book Is A Conundrum: pg7
KTM News Briefs: Pg8
Out and ABout: pg9
The Aural Column: pg10
The Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-07-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Gay Pride Fest Review: pg1
NYC Gay Pride Parade: pg1
Purlie: The Center Theater Production: pg3
KTM News Briefs: pg3
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg4
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg5
The Aural Column: pg6
Editors Edition: pg7
Singles, Sexuality & Coming Out: pg8
The Media Watch: pg9
Captain Kink: pg10
SELections by Sam: pg10
The Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-06-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg3
The Law and Your Lifestyle: pg4
The Media Watch: pg5
Mattachine Changes Meetings: pg6
SELections by Sam: pg6
The Aural Column: pg7
Niagara Falls' New Bar: pg9
Captain Kink: pg10
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg11
Editor's Edition: pg13
The Gay Directory: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1981-05-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
The Media Watch: pg5
Captain Kink: pg6
SELections by Sam: pg7
Fifth Freedom Advisor: pg8
The Aural Column: pg8
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg9
Editor's Edition: pg10
The Gay Directory: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-04-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Madeline's Concert Plans: pg4
The Media Watch: pg5
Mattachine's Spring Dance: pg7
Selections by Sam: pg7
New Is Now At Mean Alice's: pg8
Captain Kink: pg8
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg9
The Gay Directory: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1981-03-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Buffalo Bars: pg1
Mattachine Elections: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters to the Editor: pg2
Media Watch: pg3
Toronto Bath Raids: pg4
Legal Defense Fund: pg4
SELections by Sam: pg7
Ah: pg8
Wilderness: pg8
Staff: pg8
Word is Out: pg9
International Womens Day: pg9
Concern Arises For Personal Safety: pg9
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg10
Talking Proud: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Wanted: pg11
Bar Wars: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1981-02-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Gay Press Assoc.: pg1
ITI: pg1
Our Cover: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters to the Editor: pg2
Media Watch: pg4
Gay Task Force: pg4
Anti-Sodomy Law Out: pg6
SELections by Sam: pg7
Our Cover (then): pg8
Cartoon: pg8
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg9
Captain Kink: pg9
Book Review: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Wanted: pg12
Advertisement: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1981-01-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
1980 in Revue: pg1
Editorial, Letters to the Editor: pg2
Gay Task Force, Book Review: pg3
Captain Link: pg4
Poet Tree: pg5
7 Steps to (Gay) Stagnation: pg6
Media Watch: pg7
Talking Proud: pg8
Thank You's: pg9
How Does Your Garden Grow, Mattachine Elections, Anti-Sodomy Law: pg10
Gay Directory, Wanted: pg11
Advertising: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1980-12-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Nickle City: Leather/Levi: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters to the Editor: pg2
Advertisement: pg3
Gay Coloring Book: pg4
Captain Kink: pg4
Our Cover: pg4
Gay Task Force: pg5
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg5
Selections by Sam: pg6
Antiques & Art: pg6
Help: One Answer: pg7
Attention: pg7
Poet Tree: pg8
Gay Wedding Response: pg9
Michael: pg9
NYC Killings Bi Lines: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Want Ads: pg11
Advertisement: pg12
Santa: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1980-11-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Last Call?: pg1
Help!: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letters to the Editor: pg2
Costume Party: pg3
Gaybriel's Gayte: pg4
ETC.: pg4
Cartoon: pg4
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg5
Poem: pg5
Dance Music News: pg6
Top 10: pg6
Poem: pg6
SELections by Sam: pg6
Media Watch: pg7
GP Rolls: pg7
Book Review: pg8
Poem: pg8
Drugs Wanted: pg8
Advertisement: pg9
Jail House Sex: pg10
Antiques 'N Art: pg10
Buffalo Gay Directory: pg11
Ads: pg11
Advertisement: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1980-10-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
10th Anniversary: pg1
Winner: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Letter to the Editor: pg2
Selections by Sam: pg3
Deja Vu ?: pg4
History of the Lambda: pg5
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg6
B.W.P.C.: pg6
Gay Vote '80: pg7
Politics: pg9
Advertisement: pg10
Dance Music News: pg11
Top 10: pg11
Media Watch: pg12
Fairy Tales: pg13
Fair Housing: pg13
Homosexual: pg13
Costume Party: pg14
Rochester Gay Guide: pg15
Classified Ads: pg15
Buffalo Gay Directory: pg16
Fifth Freedom, 1980-09-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
'Front' Park Desecrated: pg1
EMMA Harassed: pg1
5th Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
Letters To The Editor: pg2
Top 10: pg2
Media Watch: pg3
How Big Is Your Closet: pg4
View From Across The River: pg5
Gay Wedding: pg6
GP Media Night: pg6
Gay Picnic: pg7
Dignity News: pg7
Dance Music News: pg8
HELP!: pg8
Taxation Without Representation: pg10
SELections by Sam: pg11
Wanted: pg11
Gay Directory: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1980-07-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Politics: pg1
Contest?: pg1
SELections by Sam: pg1
We Won't Cry For Thee, Dear Anita!: pg1
5th Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
Top 15+: pg2
Review, Can't Stop The Music: pg4
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-06-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Gay Pride Week!: pg1
SELections by Sam: pg1
Disco: pg1
Cosmic Consciousness: pg1
You Reap What You Sow: pg1
Fifth Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
Top 15+: pg2
Review, Bent: pg3
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-05-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
A Cheap Melodrama: pg1
Allentown Art Fest: pg1
SELections by Sam: pg1
Fifth Freedom: pg2
Top 15+: pg2
Sage Coffeehouse: pg6
Cosmic Consciousness: pg7
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-04-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Professional Sex: pg1
March On Albany!: pg1
Family Conference: pg1
SELections by Sam: pg1
Fifth Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
Classified: pg2
Cosmic Consciousness: pg7
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-03-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
45 Allen Burns, MSNF Out!: pg1
Professional Sex: pg1
Fifth Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
SELections by Sam: pg6
Cosmic Consciousness: pg7
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-02-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Consensual Sodomy Beaten Down: pg1
Reflections: Mattachine In An Election Year: pg1
Boycott Towne Hots: pg1
National March On Washington For Lesbian & Gay Rights: pg1
Fifth Freedom: pg2
Editorial: pg2
Classified: pg2
Cosmic Consciousness: pg5
SELections by Sam: pg6
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1980-01-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Mattachine Society Newsletter explaining not publishing Jan. edition "
Fifth Freedom, 1979-10-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
National March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights: pg1
Gay Students at Buff State College: pg1
NGTF Endorses March: pg1
Editors Page: pg2
Boycott Towne Hots: pg3
Lesbians Trying To Enter U.S. Barred: pg3
Cartoon: pg3
Mean Alice's Expands: pg3
Hotline: pg4
SELections by Sam: pg5
Cosmic Consciousness: pg6
Gay Radio Program: pg7
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1979-08-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
March On Washington: pg1
Editors Page: pg2
Opinion Center: pg3
Gay Pro's: pg3
Concert: pg3
First Openly Gay S&L Creating Interest: pg3
Housewife Role Still Predominant in Cleve.:pg3
New York Continues To Protest Cruising: pg4
Rights Bill: pg4
Allentown Art Festival: pg4
How Does Your Garden Grow?: pg6
The Language of Oppression: pg6
Cruise Bar: pg8
Gay Business Directory: pg9
Navy Ships Being Stripped of Their Gender: pg9
Prom Date: pg9
Sex Change: pg10
The Stars: pg11
Gay Directory: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1979-04-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
Buffalo Celebrates International Woman's Day: pg1
Editorial: pg2
From Our Mailbag: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
News Notes: pg4
A Slip Of The Tongue: pg5
Dear Mary: pg5
From The Fountain's: pg6
Youth Unite!: pg8
Mort D'amour: pg9
Crunch Nestles Quick: pg10
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg11
Sage Update: pg11
Zeitgeist: pg12
Doubtful Group Meets Again: pg12
SELections by Sam: pg13
Gay Rights National Lobby: pg14
Classified: pg14
Gay Directory: pg15
Fifth Freedom, 1979-01-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
5th Freedom Fate Flounders: pg1
Gay Groups Meet: pg1
Troy N.Y. Passes Rights Bill: pg1
Gays Needed To Speak To Med Students: pg1
From Our Mailbag: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
Gay Poetry: pg4
Women Space: pg6
Classified: pg6
SELections: pg7
Gay Directory: pg8
Fifth Freedom, 1978-12-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
National Switch-Board Closes: pg1
In Memoriam Harvey Milk: pg1
President's Aide Promises Help: pg1
From Our Mailbag: pg2
Classified: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
Disco Chat: pg4
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg5
A Gay Movement In Buffalo: pg6
SELections: pg8
Mort D'amour: pg9
A Night At The Baths Part 2: pg10
Cartoon: pg11
Gay Directory: pg12
Fifth Freedom, 1978-11-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
S.A.G.E. Works For Funding: pg1
National Switch-Board In Operation: pg1
Buffalo Man New N.Y.S.C.G.O. Head: pg1
U.B. Passes Preference Clause: pg1
From Our Mailbag: pg2
Gay Professional Group Adds Members: pg2
Gay Youth/ Buffalo Organizes: pg2
Classified: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
SELections: pg4
Disco Chat: pg4
Mort D'amour: pg5
Night Life In Buffalo: pg7
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg8
Special Effects In The Cinema Part One: pg9
Gay Directory: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1978-10-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
N.Y.S. Gay Groups Meet In Buffalo: pg1
Confessions Of A Gay Lobbyist: pg1
Dignity Celebrates Second Anniversary: pg2
Word Was Out, 5th Freedom Wasn't: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
Men's Liberation In Buffalo: pg4
Coming Out At Work: pg4
Bart Cockhold: pg4
Review, The Gay Gatsby: pg5
Gays And Religion: Three Personal Reflections: pg6
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg8
Disco Noise: pg8
SELections: pg9
From Our Mailbag: pg9
Bart Cockhold: pg10
Classified: pg10
Gay Directory: pg11
Fifth Freedom, 1978-09-01
The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier
N.Y.C.G.O. To Host Fall Conference Here: pg1
Gay Professionals Begin To Organize: pg1
Rochester Rallies For Rights: pg1
Allen St. Businesses Get It Together: pg1
Setback For Dignity/Buffalo: pg1
Editorial: pg2
Cartoon: pg2
Mattachine Society Treasury Report: pg2
Short Shots: pg3
Cartoon: pg3
5th Freedom Book Reviews: pg4
SELections: pg6
Being Gay In Buffalo Column: pg7
How Does Your Garden Grow: pg7
Dining Out: pg7
In Vinculis: pg8
Openly Gay Man In Rochester Government: pg9
Color And Form At Hallwalls: pg10
Classified: pg11
Dave On Health: pg11
Gay Directory: pg11