Digital Commons at Buffalo State - Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum: From Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Design, Pedagogy & Assessment

Event Title

From Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Design, Pedagogy & Assessment

Start Date

31-10-2013 11:00 AM


College campuses are currently experiencing a transformation in the design and redesign of classrooms. Integrating A/V control systems within flexible furniture configurations leads to active creation and sharing of content. Once functional, how is a space utilized to enhance teaching and learning? Through three perspectives, this session will highlight many experiences in this transformational undertaking. First will be the Audio/Visual system integration viewpoint where a traditional computer lab, a space with less than optimal sightlines, was renovated due to the unique capabilities of the integrated control system and modern furniture design. Following will be a summary of the how the newly designed room stimulated changes in teaching approaches and ideas for faculty within the classroom and how additional faculty requesting to teach in that space were introduced to and trained in active learning. Finally, sharing the initial assessment of the learning space will illuminate issues of justification, accountability, and outcomes. Attendees will enjoy reviewing the research data, including interviews, teaching experiences, and video testimonials from students and faculty who used the room. The results are relevant to faculty, instructional technologists, librarians, and higher education administrators who are involved in the planning and decision making of infrastructure and/or capital investments in the upgrade of classrooms and other types of learning spaces. Administrators, professionals, and faculty looking to incorporate active learning in the classroom will benefit from hearing about teaching experiences, student video testimonials and research findings. Institutions must be prepared for the challenges regarding transformative learning environments.

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Oct 31st, 11:00 AM

From Computer Lab to Active Learning Classroom: Design, Pedagogy & Assessment

College campuses are currently experiencing a transformation in the design and redesign of classrooms. Integrating A/V control systems within flexible furniture configurations leads to active creation and sharing of content. Once functional, how is a space utilized to enhance teaching and learning? Through three perspectives, this session will highlight many experiences in this transformational undertaking. First will be the Audio/Visual system integration viewpoint where a traditional computer lab, a space with less than optimal sightlines, was renovated due to the unique capabilities of the integrated control system and modern furniture design. Following will be a summary of the how the newly designed room stimulated changes in teaching approaches and ideas for faculty within the classroom and how additional faculty requesting to teach in that space were introduced to and trained in active learning. Finally, sharing the initial assessment of the learning space will illuminate issues of justification, accountability, and outcomes. Attendees will enjoy reviewing the research data, including interviews, teaching experiences, and video testimonials from students and faculty who used the room. The results are relevant to faculty, instructional technologists, librarians, and higher education administrators who are involved in the planning and decision making of infrastructure and/or capital investments in the upgrade of classrooms and other types of learning spaces. Administrators, professionals, and faculty looking to incorporate active learning in the classroom will benefit from hearing about teaching experiences, student video testimonials and research findings. Institutions must be prepared for the challenges regarding transformative learning environments.