Event Title
Investigation of Phase Transitions in Sr2RuYO6
Start Date
25-10-2012 11:00 AM
Recent data measured has shown the possibility of multiple phase transitions at 26K and 30K in Sr2YRuO6. This compound is interesting for a number of reasons. It has been found to superconduct when doped with a few percent copper at about 40K and then become magnetic below 26K. There is coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism below 26K. We have measured the Mossbauer spectrums at multiple temperatures in the pure compound to elucidate these transitions. We found that beyond 26K there exists no static magnetism and there are only isolated blocks of ordered islands of magnetism. No evidence of a transition at 30K is found.
Investigation of Phase Transitions in Sr2RuYO6
Recent data measured has shown the possibility of multiple phase transitions at 26K and 30K in Sr2YRuO6. This compound is interesting for a number of reasons. It has been found to superconduct when doped with a few percent copper at about 40K and then become magnetic below 26K. There is coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism below 26K. We have measured the Mossbauer spectrums at multiple temperatures in the pure compound to elucidate these transitions. We found that beyond 26K there exists no static magnetism and there are only isolated blocks of ordered islands of magnetism. No evidence of a transition at 30K is found.