Chemistry Theses | Chemistry Department | State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College

About the Chemistry Department at Buffalo State College

The Department of Chemistry at Buffalo State College is dedicated to its goal of preparing students for careers in Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry and Secondary Education or for continuing education at the graduate school level. The department prides itself on the research and scholarship accomplishments of its faculty members and on the balance this brings to both its graduate and undergraduate programs.


Theses from 2016


Synthesis and Characterization of Pyrazole-Substituted Tetraazamacrocyclic Ligands for Potential Applications as Contrast Enhancement Agents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Kayleigh M. Bemisderfer

Theses from 2011


Method Development and Validation of the Quantitation of 19 Antipsychotics Using Deuterated Internal Standards, Anthony S. Epps


High Resolution FTIR Spectroscopy Detects Multiple Conformers of Metastable States in Sodium Nitroprusside, Michael Kawa