"Analysis and Conservation of a 19th Century Automaton" by Elisse D. Brautigam

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Art Conservation, M.A., C.A.S.


Art Conservation Department


Emily Hamilton

Department Home page


First Reader

Aaron Shugar

Second Reader

Jiuan Jiuan Chen

Third Reader

Fiona Beckett

Fourth Reader

Rebecca Ploeger

Fifth Reader

Theresa Smith


A late 19th century automaton, Madame La Doll, in the collections of the Buffalo History Museum ceased functioning recently, with the only recorded documentation of the object in motion stored on a DVD. Research was undertaken to provide provenance and authentication of museum records. Examination, digital photographic, and video documentation were done. Materials analysis using ultraviolet induced visible fluorescence, digital capture X-radiography, transmission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), and FFMPEG were undertaken to characterize all object and video materials employed, identify alterations and repairs as well as provide information relevant to the study and display of both the object and recording. Treatment was undertaken to improve the appearance and stability of the exterior by reducing dirt and applying appropriate material loss compensation. The historical video documentation is protected also within the museum’s records by properly documenting, performing a fixity check and digital migration of the DVD.
