Nor’easter Conference | Conferences and Events | State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College



November 14-17

Please view our interactive schedule below for detailed information of events. The abstracts for these events will be archived on this site.

In lieu of Beverly Peppers necessary return to Italy in advance of the conference, she has offered the following short film, detailing her involvement with iron, for your viewing pleasure. ‘Beverly Pepper Cast Iron 2012 for the Nor'easter conference’,

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT In an ironic set of occurrences the Nor'easter that blew into the east coast has affected the Nor'easter conference as well. Beverly Pepper’s home and studio have been a victim of the storm. Mrs. Pepper has been forced to prematurely return to Italy. She has sited concerns for her Husbands health as well as her own. We must remember Beverly is 90 yrs old and this is a very difficult situation. I am sure you have all seen images of lower NYC where her residence and studio are located. She has had to cancel her trip to Buffalo and our conference. She has offered to come to Buffalo at a later date but regrets she must cancel for now. Our hearts go out to all of those who have been devastated by this powerful storm. We will provide updates on scheduling on this web site and our face book page.

The Nor'easter Conference asserts a clear and determined focus on Aesthetics and Practice in Cast Iron Art. On behalf of Buffalo State College and the iron community at large, we are proud to announce our conference goals and highlights.

In addition to a stellar line up of artist lectures, panels and demonstrations, there are 5 exhibitions in conjunction with the Conference: The Big Orbit Gallery for conference registrants, the open call student exhibition at Hi-Temp Fabrication and the Buffalo State sculpture alumni in the Bacon Gallery on campus are all open for the duration of the conference only. The juried exhibition at the Burchfield Penney opens for Buffalo's second Friday events on November 9th, and runs through January 27, 2013. Crossing the Line: Drawings by Sculptors will be on display in the Czurles-Nelson Gallery on campus from November 13-30. Additionally, you can upload an image of your own artwork with a brief statement by clicking on the link in the left hand column titled, "Nor'easter Online Gallery."

Sculptor and Professor Coral Lambert, Chair of Sculpture at Alfred University, is hosting a preconference ‘Environmental Foundry Workshop’ from Friday Nov. 9 to Tuesday Nov 13, covering African Ashanti and Japanese Sogata Clay molding. There will also be a pre-conference sand mold-making workshop at Buffalo State College for which you can register on the conference registration form. There are still seats available in both workshops... hurry!!

Browse the contents of Nor’easter Conference:

Conference Schedule and Abstracts