Department Chair

Andrew D. Nicholls

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Museum Studies, M.A.


History and Social Studies Education Department


Noelle Wiedemer

First Reader

Noelle Widemer


This Master’s Thesis Project researches the life of a forgotten Buffalo artist, Lars Gustaf Sellstedt. He was born in Sundsvall, Sweden and started his life as a sailor when he became a cabin boy as an early teenager. For most of his young life until his mid-twenties, Sellstedt was a sailor traveling to all corners of the world. He started his journey as an artist while in between sailing jobs. Over many decades he portraits locally and abroad mainly in the Caribbean Islands. Sellstedt was one of the few artists in 19th century Buffalo, sharing the profession with William J. Wilgus, Thomas Le Clear, and William H. Beard. These men, apart from Wilgus, helped start the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy by serving in different positions over the years and also had their art exhibited many times. Today the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy thrives today and will open its doors back up in June 2023 after new renovations under the new name, the Buffalo AKG Art Museum.
