Department Chair

Patrick Ravines

Date of Award


Access Control

Open Access

Degree Name

Art Conservation, M.A., C.A.S.


Art Conservation Department


Emily Hamilton

Department Home page

First Reader

Molly Gleeson

Second Reader

Theresa J. Smith

Third Reader

Gabriel Dunn


To perform a well-informed conservation treatment on an object, it is crucial to understand its context, history, and significance. When an object presents with little provenance or context, it can be difficult to determine the course that its treatment should follow. In this project, a structurally unstable birch bark canoe model of unknown origin was examined, researched, and treated. The treatment campaign was customized for the object based on literature research, owner consultation, and materials experimentation. The canoe model was structurally stabilized with adhesive and adhesive reactivated Japanese tissue, it was locally humidified and reshaped with Gore-Tex sandwiches, and was visually improved with a non-adhesive quill replacement technique. During the treatment campaign, new information was revealed about the potential origin of the object, confirming it was likely created by a Native artist as a souvenir for the tourist trade.
